Oakwood traffic study ‘heavily focused’ on Ohio 48 roundabout option



Oakwood is expanding a study and seeking public input on a proposal that could transform an Ohio 48 intersection into a roundabout.

It plans to spend $50,000 more on the traffic signal study along Far Hills Avenue, which is now “heavily focused” on the Five Points intersection involving Oakwood Avenue and Thruston Boulevard just south of Dayton, according to the city.

The roundabout option is being studied as part of a master plan Oakwood commissioned on upgrading its 17 traffic signals, 10 of which are on Ohio 48/Far Hills.

“We are heavily focused now on the single most important and the most complicated intersection in Oakwood,” City Manager Norbert Klopsch told city council Monday night, noting no decision has been made.



A series of open houses to gain public feedback on the issue is scheduled for June and July, Klopsch said.

“There’s enough evidence now to really demand that we seriously consider a roundabout there in lieu of a traditional traffic light,” he said. “That sounds to a lot of people as, maybe, crazy talk … But we do believe that there’s enough evidence to warrant looking much, much deeper into that as a possible way to improve safety.

“The safety of that intersection for all modes of traffic — vehicles, pedestrians … almost every mode is the number one priority for us,” Klopsch added. “Whatever we end up recommending, it will be based upon the safety analysis of a particular design.”

Ohio 48 is one of the most traveled roads in the Montgomery County suburbs south of Dayton. The average number of vehicles using it daily ranges from about 14,700 at Stewart Street in Dayton to more than 41,500 at Interstate 675 in Centerville, Ohio Department of Transportation records show.

Credit: STAFF

Credit: STAFF

There is “extensive” support for this choice, including other studies that found roundabouts reduce accidents and improve traffic efficiency, according to the city.

Roundabouts have been either planned or constructed on several state routes in Ohio, including one in Allen County and four in Butler County, according to documents.

The estimated cost for a project on Ohio 309 near Lima last year was $4.6 million, according to ODOT.

Oakwood last year contracted with Crawford, Murphy & Tilly of Columbus to create a plan that “maximizes the opportunity to leverage federal and state grant dollars to assist in what will be a multi-million-dollar endeavor,” city records state.

The $50,000 approved Monday night will fund an “increased scope of work” for modeling, video animation and other materials, Oakwood Vice Mayor Steve Byington said.

Open houses are scheduled for 6-8 p.m. on June 14, June 29 and July 11 at the Oakwood Community Center.

They will include staff and consultants presenting information about how roundabouts compare to traditional intersections.

“I anticipate a lot of citizen interest” for the sessions, Klopsch said.

The city also said that it will mail detailed information about the roundabout option and how to provide input and feedback to all Oakwood residents and businesses.

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