Ohio reports more than 4,000 daily COVID cases for first time in 6 months

60% of Ohioans 12 and older have started the vaccination process

For the first time since early February, Ohio reported more than 4,000 daily cases of coronavirus.

The state recorded 4,117 new cases in the last day, bringing its total to 1,187,878 since the pandemic began, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

It’s the highest number of daily cases reported in more than six months.

State health officials Tuesday also highlighted Ohio’s vaccination rate and explained its importance in keeping children in school.

Cases in Ohio have continued to climb since mid-July. On Aug. 11, the state surpassed 3,000 cases for the first time in more than five months. Since then cases have surpassed 3,000 seven more times.

In the last three weeks, Ohio averaged 2,623 cases a day, according to ODH. In the last seven days, the state’s average is 3,295 cases a day.

With the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for ages 16 and up on Monday, many state health experts and officials hope it will encourage others to get vaccinated. People ages 12 to 15 are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine due to the FDA’s emergency use authorization.

As of Tuesday, 60% of Ohioans 12 and older have received at least one dose of the vaccine, according to ODH.

“By highlighting vaccination rates among those 12 and older, we are reinforcing the importance of keeping kids in school,” ODH Director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff said. “This is an important milestone because as more Ohioans gain robust immunity through vaccination, we reduce the opportunities for this virus to spread, mutate and inflict serious harm—and we get closer to the day when this virus can no longer upend our lives.”

Nearly 55.5% of residents 12 and older have finished the COVID vaccine.

“COVID-19 vaccines are our best protection, and our way out of this pandemic. If you haven’t yet been vaccinated, talk to your doctor to get the facts,” Vanderhoff said.

To find a vaccine provider or sign up for an appointment, visit gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov.

Ohio also reported a 21-day high for hospitalizations and ICU admissions Tuesday.

The state recorded 277 hospitalizations in the last day, more than double the 136 reported Monday. It’s the second time in the last three weeks hospitalizations surpassed 200 in Ohio.

Ohio reported 29 ICU admissions, surpassing 20 admissions for the first time in three weeks.

In the last 21 days, the state is averaging 119 hospitalizations and 11 ICU admissions a day.

As of Tuesday, there are 2,095 COVID patients in Ohio’s hospitals and 610 in ICUs.

Coronavirus patients accounts for 7.7% of the state’s hospital beds and 12.7% of its ICU beds. Ohio has 23.2% of its hospital beds and 25.87% of ICU beds available, according to ODH.

Ohio reported 40 deaths Tuesday, bringing its total to 20,729, according to ODH.

Death data can fluctuate because other states do not regularly report death certificate information to Ohio’s Bureau of Vital Statistics. The day a death is reported does not reflect the day the death occurred.

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